Programmer I am not, but here are my thoughts:
- The logic behind your article seems generally sound. I liked how you stepped through the issues and addressed them. Granted there are more you implied/alluded to but didn't discuss, but the sentiment stands.
- Limit the undo history. Say, 5 or 10. This should provide a relatively 'fixed' amount of memory usage. Personally, the majority of times I undo anything is only a few steps back.
- Since there is the ability to multi-select: when adding XX tiles and only able to undo the last X (limited history), not having the entire XX undone is merely a learning curve of the system. Once understood/used to it, users will just multi-select and delete. This might rub some people wrong, as they might expect the entire initial action to be undone, but again, learning curve.
It's too bad you can't take advantage of linked lists data structures, since they most likely aren't Blittable types. That said, this is a great Dev blog!