Have you considered a setting for DM share only mode for non add player options?
This strikes me as seeming to fit the overall paradigm that is implicated for any multi-user synchronous system...  Any data, unable to be derived from a combination of constant static values and other synced data, itself must be (by definition) synced data.

The paradigm shift here is motivated by the change from a static, fixed set of minis (for which static attribute values are uniformly constant and always known to all clients), to a variable set of minis (for which individual attribute values, despite their remaining static from the frame of reference of an individual mini, are explicitly neither static constants nor inherently synchronously available -- in that different clients might download the asset data at different speeds -- from the frame of reference of each participating game client).

The implications for the degree to which minimization of synced data exchange between clients (mediated by the central server) is being implemented here is also very encouraging.

This kind of realization (and trivial solution) underscores the value to be had in Letting Developers Take Their Time properly.  :D