In the above spirit, you need to make TaleSpire interoperable with Foundry and Fantasy Grounds. It makes no sense to build rules automation from scratch when that work has already been done multiple times over. That's why you don't even have a character sheet yet in 2023. What TaleSpire needs is realistic planning, not unrealistic plans. Your job is the graphics engine and asset production. Find a way to interface with Foundry and Fantasy Grounds, cut a deal with them, entice devs over, whatever you have to do: try all avenues. And for the love of God give us a way to restrict what our players can see, how many times do we have to beg for that? There's not a GM in the world who would allow his players to roam their maps unhindered. Have you ever even played an RPG?
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You can hide stuff from players: see "hide volumes."

Also I don't use Foundry or Fantasy Grounds, so I prefer this development of Symbiotes over those. Good work team, keep it up! 
I am glad GooseKid posted here because he demonstrates why TaleSpire is still unplayable after all these years: the fawning feedback from a community that failed to let Bouncyrock know how they’re really doing. What should have been done instead is a boycott and review bombing the moment it became apparent Bouncyrock wasn’t interested in enabling roleplaying on their platform. We would have had roleplaying by now if the players had demanded it. Instead we were seduced by the pretty graphics and lulled into sleep, and now most of the community consists of people like the above who don’t even use Fantasy Grounds or Foundry because they are Minecraft builders with no interest in roleplaying. And Bouncyrock still listens to them while the twin icebergs of Menyr and One D&D are about to crush onto them. It’s beyond saddening to observe this slow-motion catastrophe play out over nearly half a decade now. For three years I have been following TaleSpire, and yet still haven’t run a single hour of roleplaying on it. Some day soon people will open their eyes to what a colossal failure this is. But by then it’ll be too late to fix it.
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If you haven't played a single TTRPG session in Talespire yet, then the problem is you.

You clearly dislike Talespire, so move on. Go somewhere else. 
Don't lurk obsessively. Take a deep breath. It's okay to let go.
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Yeah man... Hate to say it but i just wrapped up a whole 12 session campaign using exclusively Talespire and Roll20 and it worked fine. About to start another one and converted 2 of my long standing campaigns over to using it. 

Sure Talespire has a lot of growth to be done before launch but you are absolutely wrong about not being able to get any roleplay out of it. Especially for a remote game, being able to let the players use the heroforge minis they designed is one of mine and their favorite parts, as well as being able to edit the battle scene on the fly so what was once a cave of spider webs can quickly become an inferno? Peak TTRPG fun

Maybe try playing sometime?