Thanks for the update Ree! :D
Awesome! This would be really nice for defeated creatures who's bodies should remain (IE: skeletons that can be raised by a boss or something) love the progress, hoping to maybe see the addition of 2 stat bubbles on figures some day for a total of 6 for D&D stats, but you guys are doing amazingly :)
Hey, nice work! I posted on the subreddit my minor additions wishlist and here you are already finishing two of them. I'll just put the rest here *wink*

- Pure black tile and orb asset.
- Pure white (glowing) tile and orb asset, with other color glowing orbs as well.
- Generic treasure that fits perfectly within a chest.
- Scroll wheel on stats instead of finicky white dot.
✓- Death animation knocking a figure over and it laying there.
- Enchantment glow that can be put on a figure.
- Devlog with tentative roadmap.
- Weapon and armor assets separated from item racks so we can place them individually.
- Asset resizing like figures do?
- Play a sound effect from the figure menu.
✓- Speech bubbles over figure's head.
- Figure flashes red when damaged.
Great update! That emote with the cow could actually work, if someone cast Command on it and told it to beg :). Seriously though, I do like the second option you mentioned, although I do not understand the spacial awareness problem you describe, such as where heads are, etc. 'Tis why I am not a programmer. :)