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Any chance of getting genesys and edge of the empire style dice added?
Being able to play Star Wars Legion inside of talespire would be awesome . 
I'll check 'em out and see what we can do
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This is another example of how shot your priorities are. Everyone currently using TaleSpire has an outside system/dice solution, and it’s working okay for them otherwise they wouldn’t be using TaleSpire at all. So we can fix that issue, but we can’t fix fog of war. Ergo that’s what you should be working on. It’s such a simple logic, everyone can see it. Except the programmers making the engine. Because they don’t play games, so they get off on abstract coding exercises as opposed to gaming, like their customers. This isn’t unique to TaleSpire, all gamedev where programmers call the shots is in the same bind. But with TaleSpire it’s excruciating because the market is so small and you’re basically dependent on these devs. So you guys are all happy to tell us about your new abstract coding venture thinking we’ll be happy to hear of it, whereas you are just crushing our dreams by pushing back fog of war another six months... But it is what it is, and it won’t last forever. Some studio will figure out what we want—even if by pure randomness—and give it to us, and then it will be game over for everyone else, and game on—finally—for us poor and abused gamers.
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Simple way to constrain player view: minimap with 2D overhead view, and GM can draw a square like in RTS games, and that’s all the players can see. No 3D calculations. Make a blog post about THAT and see how excited and grateful your poor, tired customers will get.
Re "Simple way to constrain player view": coming this year

re "draw a square": We have the box ruler and box AoE coming soon. Does that cover what you were wanting?
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The Shogun Castle set doesn’t need to be free, it can be paid DLC since there’s already more than enough free base assets in the game. Then you can use the money to hire a developer to work on fog of war while you continue with your abstract coding exercises, if that’s how you prefer to spend your day.
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that would be the easiest way to destroy your own consumers base. The game is not even fully released and you think paid DLC is a good idea? I’ve seen your other comments in regards to monetizing the game, but we’ve seen how that goes with other games. Look at creation club for bethesda, a very mixed bag that has been a detriment to their reputation. People already online sell their service to create maps on talespire, you can just google it. Menyr is not even open to the public, it looks nice but also heavily different than Talespire. I’m not even sure if the common consumer has a PC that can run it, I doubt it will run on a mac. Menyr is targeted as a free to play game with micro transactions (that we still don’t know much about beyond the description they gave), that is not what Talespire is wanting. 

I get it that you want other features to be prioritized, I’ve been waiting on FoW updates for 2 years, it’s what’s stopping me from building most of the time since the hide feature is just horrible to keep using. But your suggestions of monetizing are just not it.
Please, when you publish these changes, I would greatly appreciate a Beta version to be able to adapt the mods, I think many of them will be affected.

Thank you!!
Will do! Yeah it's a big one
While cult is being obnoxious as usual, he has somewhat of a point. It seems to me like you all like to build maps, but do any of you actually play in them? The UX for building in Talespire is vastly superior to the UX for playing in them. 

For example,

The green slider's UX, even though functional, is extremely confusing for new and non tech-savvy gamers.

It's very easy for players to get their mini stuck in a place beyond the green slider when moving it around. This happens at least once every two games.

The dices, once rolled, have no use to my players and I have to spend my time deleting them asap. Because, if there are too many of them, they will crash the game when I run the delete command (maybe it's fixed now?).

The game log doesn't save its state between play sessions.

And yes, I believe a decent quality fog of war would bring the UX to another level when it comes to actually playing the game. My players and I have learned to live without it, but this has to be a show stopper for a lot of people.

When Wotc releases their VTT, I highly doubt they will make the same mistakes. I like building maps, but I only build so that I can play with my friends. I really don't mind spending a bit $ to have pre-built 3d maps for my campaigns.

Wish you the best.
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Since this guy mentioned money, that’s another massive priority issue with TaleSpire I am reminded of. Allowing creators to monetize their stuff inside TaleSpire is how you keep the creators. Menyr will have this from day 1. That’s how they will fund development. When will TaleSpire get it? That’s way more important than anything else Bouncyrock is currently working on. We would have easily had twice the content we now have if creator monetization had been taken care of. Instead, it’s not even discussed. Nowhere on the horizon. And Menyr is coming out in November. Which of the pro creators will stick with TaleSpire after November? It’s so depressing that Bouncyrock seems oblivious to these concerns and keeps churning out blog post after blog post about secondary or even tertiary issues, or stuff that no one even understands.
Cheers jfabre. Good points.

re slider: agreed, we need to do a better job with most things, and navigation is in there. It's on the list, and we move between depth (iteration on one feature) and breadth (more features).

Dice: That crash bug is one of the things I'm finally killing in this rewrite of the dice system. Its been bugging us all for far too long. 
Auto-cleanup of dice feels like it might need to be an option. We have some folks who love them lying around, and some who don't.

Game log: Would you want the whole log? As in dice roll results from many sessions back? 
Would you like the log carry over between boards?
I think we have a suggestion for this at https://feedback.talespire.com/, i'll check there when I come to look at this.

Fog-of-war will come, but to make sure we have something good this year I'm making a simpler vision system that allows you to set the range each creature can see. We can then cut off things outside that range. It's not perfect for secret tunnels but it should be huge improvement for running dungeons compared to what we have now.

Thanks again!
Heya Icycalm! 
Regarding: "Instead, it’s not even discussed. Nowhere on the horizon"
Not discussed with you != not discussed internally.
It's understandable to be concerned, as how could you know if we care about that or not? (you can ask us though)
That said, we prefer to talk about that kind of thing when we have something solid to show.