TaleSpire Dev Log 470
·Hey all,
It's about time for another update from me.
I've been continuing my focus on TaleWeaverLite to get better filtering for community-created minis out to you all. Progress has mostly been good, though some things did get in between.
Let's first get to the "in-betweens":
About two weeks ago, we released an update that fixed an issue that could occur in many shapes and forms whenever an asset gains or loses a script. For example, if an asset that previously was interactible suddenly stopped having that (or vice versa, a static asset becoming interactible), we could get all sorts of "fun and exciting" issues. This could lead to some really nasty bugs which stopped us from adding cool things to existing assets (or even just restoring interactivity for assets like the bear trap or nightstand).
The fix was successful, but due to its nature, we had to test it very thoroughly and keep an extra watchful eye on bug reports after its release. We did our job well on both of these fronts and the update went without a hitch, but it did cost quite some time.
Shortly thereafter, we ended the input beta and pushed the changes out to everyone - and it's excitingly unexciting. Everything still works like before, which is exactly what we wanted to see. Now that this migration is done, we can make more keys rebindable, which you've already been asking for a long time. It's so good to finally be able to tackle this properly.
However, before diving into that, we owe you the TaleWeaverLite updates, so let's get to those.
Since last time, there has been some polish on the Upload UI, and crucially, most of the work for Updating submissions is also done now. This means you can now create a custom creature in TWL, upload it to mod.io, get back to it in a few days, load the creature again, edit it, and then update the existing submission with your new changes - all without ever leaving TaleWeaver. There are still a few kinks to iron out, and we're in contact with mod.io as we seem to have encountered a few minor issues on their end.
TaleWeaver will also remember minis you've uploaded, so if you reopen the same mini for editing later, it will automatically enter update mode (as seen in the demo video).
Based on conversations with some of you, we've also implemented "template" settings where you can enter your own default values for certain input fields.
In this example, any new creature you upload to mod.io will automatically have the Description and Homepage fields filled in with the provided text. You can edit these entries further and then upload.
Baggers and I have also had good conversations about the necessary changes to the creature format all of this, so I'm now full steam ahead to implement those changes (and make sure everything remains backward compatible, of course!).
With that, I'll return to the code. See you all in the next one!
Disclaimer: This DevLog is from the perspective of one developer. It doesn't reflect everything going on with the team