TaleSpire Dev Log 447

Hi folks. Today, I continued with the dice engine. For those who didn’t see yesterday’s post, here is a warning: GMs, Players, and even implementors of rule systems will not have to deal with the things I’m talking about below. The code gubbins I’ll be showing is for the under-the-hood implementation that will m...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 446

Hi folks! I’ve started work on my next big feature, the dice engine! This is a complete rewrite not just of the networking code but also (and more excitingly) the system that handles the automation of different kinds of dice rolls. Until now, we’ve supported very basic dice syntax. For example, you can type !farb...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 445

Just a quick post today. Today, I did some more performance work. The code that draws the dotted-line bounding boxes was taking 1.3ms on my laptop when idle. I rewrote that code, and now it takes (essentially) zero time when idle and ~0.03ms when in use. A solid improvement. The improvements are masked by how long r...
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A comment on a recent issue in the modding community

Hi folks, While I was on leave, a situation arose in the unofficial modding community, which caused some confusion and prompted a number of comments asking what our position is on this. What are official vs. unofficial mods These days, TaleSpire has official support for adding creatures and some level of functionality...
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Patch Release: Picking performance improvement

In this release, we have a major performance improvement to the code that handles picking tiles, props, and creatures on integrated and low-end GPUsOn our test machine, we saw a picking delay of roughly 22 milliseconds drop to less than a hundredth of a millisecond.Due to how frames are paced, this will not translate dir...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 444

I’m back! Having ten days to get a proper mental reset was very nice. I’ve barely been online (except to download things to read), so I’m definitely out of the loop, but I’ll get caught up to speed this week. To give myself something fun to jump back into, I looked at a performance problem that has been on the l...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 443 - My First in 2024

Greetings everyone!First of all, Baggers is taking a well-deserved vacation away from all things keyboards and monitors. He said, “Going to go swim and dine on fish,” paraphrasing him heading out the virtual discord door. But don't fret. He'll be back in approximately two weeksPlease wish him well on his travels!Second, ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 442

Hi again folks, In yesterday’s dev-log, I talked about us working with TitanCraft to help you bring your creations into TaleSpire. The first thing they would like to do is allow their users to export their miniatures in the TaleSpire creature format. To that end, I’ve been working on a command-line tool they can us...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 441

Heya folks, Today, I’ve been working on something different. A feature, for sure. But not one that goes directly into TaleSpire. Today, I was making a program that can fit into TitanCraft’s pipeline so that, sometime in the future, you’ll be able to download TaleSpire-compatible assets right from their creator! ...
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Find Region Fix Release

This patch fixes an issue that you may have been bitten by. Starting fairly recently, creating a campaign could take a very long time. The reason was that it was taking a long time to find the correct region in which to host the campaign. We have rewritten the code, and it’s significantly faster now. However, if you d...
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Quick Asset Fix

Hi folks.Thanks to eagle-eyed community members, we were informed that a recent update broke the position on a prop. This patch fixes that issue. Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for the inconvenience.BUILD-ID: 14869782 - Download Size: Win / Linux 1.9 MB / Mac OS 5 MB
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Feature Release - Builder Presence

With this release, we start showing GMs what other GMs are building. This increased ‘presence’ helps you know who is working where and on what. It brings a little of the naturalness of building together, which can be lost when moving to a digital space. As always, let us know what you think. This is not the last itera...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 440

Hi folks, Just a quick log for today. I’ve tweaked the visuals of the build preview we will show for other GMs. I added a new shader and UI to show the dimensions of any region of tiles the GM is dragging out. I’ve also started working on a tool for a 3rd party to take their assets and produce tsMod files. We’ll...
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Attachments Patch Release

Heya folks, Today, we’re adding attachment points to a slew of modern props. Props such as: Fire escape ladders Fences Deco Strips Flag Strand Assorted Furniture & Shelving Industrial conveyor belts and ladders Some kitchen cabinets and sinks. Office desks SciFi consoles May your props be aligned t...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 439

Hi folks, Today, I’ve been tinkering with improving the sense of presence of other builders in the game. Communal building is a foundational part of TaleSpire. Even though we are far from finished, the fact that large groups of people can build together socially is something we are very proud of. However, one area ...
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Bug Fix Release

Heya folks, Today we are shipping a few fixes that touch both the server and the game. The default board indicator now updates immediately in response to other players’ changes Importing a board now immediately updates the board lists of other players. Deleting a unique-creature from the panel now removes the uni...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 438

Hi folks, Bug month may be over, but the bugs certainly aren’t. Today, I’ve been working on some server-side bugs. I didn’t want to tackle these last week while @borodust was away due to the risk of causing a problem that would send him alerts during his vacation! All the fixes are minor, mainly cases where we w...
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Bug Month Patch 11

Heya folks, we are reaching the end of bug month. This is our eleventh patch over the last twenty-one working days. We will now be switching back over to our usual mix of features, bugs, and general improvements. We’ll be writing about what we are up to in our dev-logs, so if you are interested, be sure to follow us ther...
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Bug Month Patch 10 - The patch that already happened

This is going to be more of a dev-log than a release post. It turns out that, along with the assets we shipped yesterday, I had also accidentally pushed the fixes I was in the process of testing. Luckily, the fixes have passed the tests, so I’m putting this out there to let you know what they were. If you update...
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Early Access Content Pack 30: ... and the Kitchen Sink

Hello again, TaleSpire community! This pack release contains 29 assorted community-requested assets, so the theme is somewhat chaotic, but hopefully, you'll find something useful or cool to add to your builds. This pack contains the following assets: Cliff-face rocks (3) Counter and Cabinet set for a modern kitchen (...
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