TaleSpire Dev Log 468

Hi!In my last update, I discussed the log-in flow with mod.io in TaleWeaver. The rest of the UI was still just "empty" stubs - input fields were there, but the data didn't go anywhere. Since then, I finished the first iteration of the upload UI, meaning TaleWeaver is now capable of uploading a creature to mod.io.There's ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 464

Hey!Today, I got some updates on Input and Tags for you:InputWe've long gotten reports asking us to allow rebinding of more buttons, most often about the mouse wheel button for camera rotation (who knew this many people had broken middle mouse buttons?). As much as that sounds like a "quick and simple thing" to add, it a...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 461

Hi,It's New Year, new devlog time! Due to the holiday break, there's less to report this time, but things are still moving.Since my last devlog, I've continued with more QoL work, fixing small papercuts and spent some time debugging a few trickier bug reports we've received over the holiday period.The debugging was also ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 460

Hey all!It's been a while again, and I'm really sorry for the long pause in logs. It's truly been a wild two months!Performance ProfilingEver since we released community minis, you've all made an absolutely wild amount of minis ready to be downloaded on mod.io (seriously, almost 5600?!), this is just incredible! Unfortun...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 459

Greetings all!I want to check in with everyone by talking about "gestures, pinging, and intent." One of the most requested features on our feedback board is Player/GM presence tools: Link  While Baggers was visiting here last week, I started playing around with ways to get this feature in and got a bit carried away.This ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 458

Greetings all!We're currently working on wrapping up the scary pack, so we'll have a slightly belated Halloween. Expect it in the first half of next week (if everything goes as planned)(Banshee by Ðwarf)A bit about new player UX and Seats.As I briefly mentioned during the latest Stream, we're looking into how seats are i...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 457

Greetings all! I’m still working to get my footing after a year away, but starting to find my stride once more. I’ve been working on the Shogun Palace on and off since it was announced and pushed up a version for testing before the weekend. We’re nearly there, but after some feedback, we realized it still needs more pro...
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TaleSpire DevLog 455 - Hide Plane improvements?

Hello everyone!Two days ago, we released an update to the automatic hide plane placement logic. With this update, we use more info about minis' surroundings to do a better job placing the hide plane in various situations.Since then, we've had some great feedback (Thank you!). The good news is that it works well in a bunc...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 451 - Hide plane where art thou?

Hi,Good news! The hide plane placement experiments I discussed in my last devlog have panned out quite well. We found some minor bugs during our internal testing sessions that I've already fixed, and in general, it's getting close to being ready.But now, let's talk about what it even does. First, we need to recap how the...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 449

Hello everyone,Since my last update, I've finalized a good number of things on the (creature) tags front and made a working proof of concept of the new search logic. It's looking promising, which is very relieving after so much time has gone into it. The tags are much more consistent, and tag synonyms work well (although...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 443 - My First in 2024

Greetings everyone!First of all, Baggers is taking a well-deserved vacation away from all things keyboards and monitors. He said, “Going to go swim and dine on fish,” paraphrasing him heading out the virtual discord door. But don't fret. He'll be back in approximately two weeksPlease wish him well on his travels!Second, ...
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TaleSpire DevLog 424

Hey, it's me again!Before we go into the usual devlog content, I want to say that Bouncyrock is officially on holiday from the 19th of December until the 2nd of January - as usual, we will stick around to ensure everything continues to run smoothly. Still, we'll spend most of that time refreshing and relaxing to recover ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 412

Hey all!Now that we have Apple Silicon macOS support out in Beta, it's time we complete[0] our OS collection, which is now painfully omitting Linux support. This is not just awful because I personally love Linux, but also because it's the second biggest OS on Steam[1], and yes, I am more than a little amused that Apple i...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 408

It really has been a while since my last log, hasn't it?Much of what I did recently, you already know about: Symbiotes. The release was a huge deal, and it's incredibly cool (and slightly frightening) to see people digging deep into the API and documentation details! The release was a huge success with only a few bugs in...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 397

Things have calmed down on the Symbiote UI side, so I can continue to work on the Sequencer. I want to address a couple of things before releasing this Experimental Feature, one of which is how Creature Clips are added.In the previous iteration of the Sequencer, there were three Creature Lanes where Clips could be added....
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TaleSpire Dev Log 386

Hello everyone! Uriah here, and I’m finally writing up a “Dev Log” for my position, which is a very different kind of development from the rest of the team.The past few months have seen me primarily working on various things behind the scenes, most of which we don’t have much to discuss. However, here are the things I ca...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 385

Greetings Everyone!There's not much to show visually this time, but I wanted to send out a minor update regardless.I'm still running high from the Ship Set release. Seeing all the beautiful creations posted on Discord has been an absolute joy. After that Bug Patch last week, I've been helping with Symbiotes's UI code. I ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 384

APIs truly are the gift that keeps on giving.We've been hard at work iterating on the API to make it more consistent, usable, and intuitive, and let me tell you: It's always surprising just how much can change on things that I thought were final. But this time, for realsies now, most things are shaping up to their final ...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 383

Greetings everyone!First, thanks to all of you checking out the Attachment Point Beta. I'm closing the beta branch today, and although I was hoping to push the changes Live today, some remaining bugs need fixing before going live. And seeing we're heading into the weekend, I want to avoid spring potential issues for play...
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TaleSpire Dev Log 382

Hey!Yet again, two weeks have passed incredibly quickly and unfortunately there's less to show off because, this time, the cool stuff happened in the code. Funnily enough, we broke almost all of what I showed last time, but rest assured: this is the usual progress of things - gotta break something to make something.The b...
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